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Wetlands & Environmental Law

Working in a wide range of natural resource conservation and environmental matters.
Wetlands Environmental LAw

We have represented public and private-sector clients in a wide range of natural resource conservation and environmental protection matters, arising under federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to wetlands protection, water quality and management issues, air emissions, odor control, toxic and hazardous materials, noise abatement and control, traffic mitigation, public nuisances, noisome trades and site assignments, and environmental impact analysis.

ACEC protection law

Our expertise includes compliance advice, regulatory drafting, strategic planning, site selection review, permitting assistance, enforcement, administrative appeals, and litigation.


We assist with the management of wetland resource areas, areas of critical environmental concern (ACEC), and scenic mountain resources for both public and private-sector clients. We help with the adoption, administration, and enforcement of local wetland bylaws, with the implementation of airport runway safety areas and associated vegetation management plans, and with ACEC protection strategies. We draft land conservation restrictions, agricultural and historical preservation restrictions, and special-purpose covenants regulating or restricting the use of land for natural resource protection purposes.


We provide support for the financing, design, permitting, and construction of public water supply upgrades and expansions and the acquisition of property interests associated with those projects. In addition, we offer strategic advice and support in connection with the purchase and sale of water service and water rights, applications to license, expand or discontinue public water supply wells, and responses to notices of noncompliance and administrative consent orders.

174+ Combined Years Experience

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40 Grove Street, Suite 190, Wellesley, MA 02482




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