No joke, it is April! We expect that you are all immersed in Town Meetings, as are we.
As we turn a page in the monthly calendar, another page is turning in Hopkinton. We send our congratulations and best wishes to Norman Khumalo upon his retirement. Norman served for more than a marathon’s worth of years in municipal government and over fourteen years as Hopkinton’s Town Manager. Norman was always a person of outstanding work ethic, competence, and good cheer. We will miss our 8 am phone calls with him. Hopkinton’s government remains in good hands under Elaine Lazarus, the Interim Town Manager.
Don’t forget that Earth Day is April 22nd. There are many celebratory events, but consider volunteering on April 20th for Park Serve Day, sponsored by the Department of Conservation & Recreation. The Department offers stewardship activities in all regions of the state.