The end of summer is usually a slower, quieter month for municipalities. Not so this year, with school opening uncertainties, early voting and voting by mail, and preparation for fall town meetings that are likely to be busier than usual. Perhaps this early fall edition of the Miyares and Harrington LLP newsletter will provide some relief. As always, you can continue to stay up-to-date with COVID-19 guidance by reviewing the Client Alerts on our website or by signing up for the Client Alerts.
MCLE’s 18th Annual Municipal Law Conference 2020 was held virtually on September 9, 2020. Our own Ivria Glass Fried presented in the morning session on Short-term Rentals, and Donna Brewer and Rebekah Lacey presented in the afternoon on Code Enforcement. The program was recorded and will be webcast on September 23, 2020.
Finally, we are pleased to announce that the Miyares and Harrington family is growing. On Labor Day, appropriately, Alex Rubin brought Matthew Lewis Saul into the world. Congratulations and best wishes, Alex and Jason.