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September 2021 News & Events

Miyares and Harrington, LLP

We would like to welcome the Town of Norfolk to our family of client Towns! Our thanks go out to the Select Board and Blythe Robinson, Town Administrator, for putting their faith in our firm.

The Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association and the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association have co-authored The Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use – 2021. We are pleased to announce that our own Ethan Dively is a member of the new MMLA committee to ensure that the Guidebook remains current. The Guidebook is written for planners who are typically not lawyers, but should be a helpful resource for all land use practitioners. We are certain that you will benefit from Ethan’s contributions to Guidebook supplements and encourage you to checkout the Guidebook.

We are also pleased to announce that MiyaresHarrington counsel Alexandra Rubin has been appointed to the Framingham Board of Health. Framingham’s Board will benefit greatly from Alex’s deep understanding of public health issues. Her service is just another example of how our lawyers serve municipalities both in and out of the office.


174+ Combined Years Experience

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